
Self Care 101- The way you talk to yourself is going to have a massive effect on how you feel.

Self Care 101-The way you talk to yourself is going to have a massive effect on how you feel.

Ever have those “gray” days where you feel like crap and wonder “WTH is wrong with me?” Hormones out of balance? Crappy weather got you down? Valentine’s Day is coming and you have no Valentine?

Whatever it is, the way you talk to yourself is going to have a massive effect on how you feel.

I have to remind myself regularly that it’s never as bad as I feel it is.

Even today with my throat on fire, and feeling a little under the weather, I have to keep reminding myself: “This will pass. This is a much needed break for me to rest and invest in some self care time. Every second that goes by I’m getting better.”

I opted for a long bath and hot tea plus a little lounging and early bed time to allow my body to heal. Too bad I had to get sick to get some rest but that’s usually the way it goes. Your body will MAKE YOU slow down right?

Self care is important but so is self talk.

I use affirmations all the time to override that negative voice in my head. I wrote this prayer/affirmation today as an overall mindset shift for anyone wanting to step into an abundance mindset.

Repeat after me:

Everything I am asking for is flowing to me. Everything is lining up for me.
The people, the places, the things, they are all coming together to shift my universe to match my desires.
I am a magnet allowing energy to flow abundantly to me.
I allow all good things. I believe in my worthiness and my ability to create my life just as I want it.
I am thankful for what I have learned, where I am right now and where I will be. I trust and know that I am being divinely guided by the spirit of all that is, to not only reach, but exceed my goals.
I speak life into my experience. I allow flow and purpose to surround me every day, as I know I am living my best life.
So be it. So it is.

Love always,


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