
Are You A Negaholic?


Are you a negaholic?  Is your nickname “Negative Nancy” or “Debbie Downer?”
“I always get stuck in traffic!!  I am always broke.  This always happens to me!”

If all you do is talk about how bad it is, well then you’ll just get more of how bad it is!  In order to bring goodness and prosperity into your life, you need to be grateful for what you already have. View problems as contrast.  How will you know what you want if you don’t know what you don’t? Besides, you are a product of chronic thoughts. So what’s happening to you now is a reflection of your consistent pattern of what you are thinking about, talking about and daydreaming about.

You have 16 seconds to get rid of a negative thought or universal forces are arranging your world to positive mindgive you what you are asking.

The very thing you don’t want…  

Feeling appreciation is the quickest way to get in line with who you really are and will help you get to where you really want to be.

Enjoying and looking for joy in your “now” is so much sweeter than pointing out the obvious.  

Nothing around you is ever perfect, your spouse, your children, your co-workers…If you look for the negative you will certainly find it. If you look for the positive you will find it.

You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.  So, what are you focusing on?

Love, Laura

live a life you love

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