
Attitude of Gratitude (Video)

How to have an Attitude of Gratitude

Just a couple days ago Tristan ran up to me screaming and crying…Actually, he was screaming on the other side of the house so loudly I had to ask him to share his passionate debacle with me so I could help him find a solution. As he approached me, overwhelmed with tears in his eyes, I smiled and started my usual questions to help him find an attitude of gratitude and let go of his stress.  This is always to try and locate a smile in his unhappiness.

I explained how anything can be fixed and that there is always a solution to any problem when you look for gratitude.

That is if you start talking about a solution and not focus on the problem. Then I always ask him what he is grateful for. I do this regularly with my 3 and 6 year old.

I call it attitude of gratitude.

We will be driving down the road and at random I will start talking what I am grateful for. “I am grateful for the sun shine, I am grateful we are spending time together, I am grateful for my children…”

Then in just a moment they will join in. I did have to explain gratitude at one point, but the illustration you give them is more education, than explaining a word that is more of a feeling.

I asked Tristan what he is grateful for, to turn his attention away from impending disaster (meltdown). I call that the diversion method, though it works every time.  I could not videotape the original conversation, but I thought it was fun to try and capture some of the essence of the story and that is simply, you get more of what you focus on, talk about, dream about and tell stories about.

If you have an attitude of gratitude and seek joy in your daily life, your everyday will become a constant stream of joy.

Isn’t that what we are all after anyway? Finding anything to be grateful for this week? I am thankful for you, the one reading this. Thank you for taking the time to be part of my journey.

Leave me a comment and let me know who you are.  Enjoy Tristan’s first stint at acting!

Big hug,


1 Comment

  • Lyn

    Loved the youTube video! It’s so true – I teach my kids that too all of the time. What you focus on becomes your reality so focus on the good in yourself, others and in life! So looking forward to attending the Local training in January when you are here in CT! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    November 25, 2014 at 11:26 PM

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