
Heal Your Body and Your Life with Deep Release Writing


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“Deep Release Writing”

as I affectionately call it, is something I usually do at night, when it’s quiet and I’ve slowed down before bed. I developed this deep breathing exercise followed by writing as a way to journal and do a “brain dump” but also to connect with the greater part of myself – my unconscious mind.

This deep breathing exercise is part visualization, part prayer (asking) and part meditation (listening).

You can call it whatever you like, but one thing is for sure, it is a powerful way to end or even start the day – especially if you want release patterns, tap into your creative mind or get answers to your most burning questions.

If you’re like me and have small children, early morning is fast-paced trying to get everyone up, fed and off to school while it’s still dark outside, then it’s straight to the gym before breakfast and before work. If I were child-free or had an empty nest, I might do this exercise in the morning. But for now, 6 am is the earliest I want to get up. I have gotten up 10 minutes prior to meditate but I prefer to have a little more time than that for a deep breathing exercise followed by writing.

I still with a straight back in a quiet space with low lighting.

This is important for relaxation for me as I tend to be easily stimulated. To ensure I drown out possible noise around me, I use headphones with relaxing instrumental music. One of my favorites is the meditation mix on Slacker Radio since I’m a subscriber and there are no commercials.

I begin with my notebook and pen within reach, so I can grab it once I’m ready to start writing. I usually spend about 15 minutes deep breathing with my eyes closed. If you’ve never done a deep breathing exercise, you can get an abundance meditation I recorded for free by subscribing.

After about 15 minutes of this deep breathing exercise, I pick up my notebook and pen and started writing.

I usually ask a question first but the point is to start writing anything that comes to mind. Every time I ask a question, I feel guided, as if God, Spirit (Insert your higher power here), Angels or my guides are giving me the answers I need right now to grow.

If you’re reading this, there is a reason you’ve been guided to read or listen to my Love Letters. This is some of my most intimate writing, which are questions I asked and the answers I wrote to myself, after a deep breathing exercise.

I believe these are divine Love Notes.

Even though these questions are personal to me, the guidance is relatable to anyone. I hope the answers can help you on your path as much as they have helped and loved on me. The question I asked in this one was about back pain, that came back again, during a workout recently.

I believe there is always a greater cause for back pain than too much weight or doing an exercise wrong. We usually like to blame something physical like sleeping the wrong way or sitting too long for back pain.

Have you ever asked these questions:

-Where is this coming from?

-WHY am I experiencing this physical pain.

-What does it mean?

-What emotion am I storing in my body causing me pain?

Below is the question I asked and the answer I wrote:

How can I heal the pain in my back for good? How can I let go of the emotions or fear that is presenting itself in my spine…the part of my body responsible for holding me up, holding me together?

Fear isn’t real. you are safe. You have more than enough. You are loved, cared for, adored and abundant. It is time for you to let go of the control by worrying, calculating and estimating when your demise will be because it isn’t coming. Your destiny is not filled with lack, it is overwhelmingly abundant, fruitful and glorious with life.

You will travel, you will experience, you will create magnificence. Know you are worthy of all of this. You don’t have to work hard for it, it has been in your escrow from childhood. You imagined, you knew that life was meant to be filled with love, prosperity and exploration.

You have entered a new chapter of letting go.

This is the final release of worry, judgement and fear. This is the best part – you get to watch it go by. You get to release the fear. See it, acknowledge it and release it. you don’t need to become it.

You are not your mother, you are not your father or little Laura. You are new. You have evolved into an awakened realization of your childhood. Talk to her, reassure her that she can release you. She can live happily ever now with her dream realized because you are now in it.

“I release you, little Laura. I don’t need you to protect me anymore because I am safe. I am safe.

Thank you for what you went through. Thank you for guiding me but I don’t need you anymore.

I love you. I release you. I am healed.”

Thank you for letting me share some of my most intimate writing. It is essentially a Love Letter from me to me. It is amazing the intelligence you have inside you, when you tap into the greater unconscious part of you.

Have you ever tried this kind of writing or journaling? How has it helped you? We want to know! Please leave a comment and tell us about your experience. The Art of You Community is brimming with creative, curious and helpful positivity and we love to hear from you.

Do you have a burning question you’d like for me to write an answer to, in an upcoming Love Letter? Post it in the comments and your question could be featured next.

There is nothing but love for you here,


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