
Be the Author of Your Story

Be the Author of Your Story

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Blessings are all around you.

At any given moment you have a cause for gratitude.

[ctt_hbox link=”hNWU6″ via=”no” ]It is all in what you are looking at or paying attention to. Your eyes will only see what your mind is focused upon.[/ctt_hbox]

Have you any dreams or visions of what you’d like to experience?

Have you thought about thinking about those instead of conjuring up ideas of how you are incomplete, not doing enough or maybe don’t even know who you are?

We would suggest you think about what you’re thinking about and ask the question, “How does this thought make me feel?”

If the answer is, “Bad,” then let the thought float by, giving no immediate attention to it.

You are not your thoughts.

Your mind and brain are separate, therefore, you can separate yourself from your thoughts. Recognize them for what they are, possibilities, that you can choose or throw away. [ctt_hbox link=”0w9H5″ via=”no” ]You are in charge here so choose which to believe. Choose to feel better. Choose to envision what you want to experience. Choosing is creating. you always have a choice.[/ctt_hbox]

Ask more questions. Deny more thoughts. Disagree with them, alter them, rewrite them.

Be the author of your story.

Love always,

The Art of You




  • Jennifer Rice

    Laura, beautiful messages. Thanks for creating all of thEse life giving Messages. Our DnA stores emotions and beliefs and there is a technique called Thetahealing that helps pull these programed thoughts and puTs a new belief in its place. You are right different beliefs shifts one life dramaticly!

    December 4, 2018 at 1:34 PM