
What is the Secret to Manifest Anything You Want?

The secret to manifest anything you want? ACT AS IF.

Want to manifest a brand as an author or speaker

Speak anywhere, anytime even for free if you want to be a speaker, begin writing every day if you want to be a writer or author. Create a blog or start building a website.

Want to manifest more money or a vacation

Put $1 a week in savings to start to feel abundant and double it every 90 days. Start planning the dream vacation. How would you know how much $ needs to show up if you don’t even know how much is costs to go?

Looking to manifest love or  a house

Start keeping a list of positive character attributes for your dream mate or start house shopping if your dream is to own a home.

Want to manifest a new career

Begin to write down the positive attributes of the job you have, even if you hate it. If you want to love what you do and are looking to change careers, then change has to start where you are.

Decide to turn the job you hate into the job you love, first, with your decision, then with action.
How can you make your workplace a more positive experience for anyone you encounter?

Several things will begin to happen:

[ctt_hbox link=”x6dF8″ via=”no” ]Either you begin to love where you are because everything begins to shift or you are offered another opportunity or are shown one. Everything changes because you have changed.[/ctt_hbox]

Your experience will begin to match you have become: happy, content, joyous, loving, giving, or thriving.

[ctt_hbox link=”Wbe_R” via=”no” ]You must become now what you seek to experience and it will always manifest.[/ctt_hbox]

Finish the year strong. You got this my friend.


