
Three Rules to Live Your Life By…

if you do not askSo often people spend time wishing for things they want or lamenting the fact that they don’t have them.  But have you ever gone after them in the first place?

The surest way to “NOT” get something you want is to be aware of it’s absence and think about it constantly. If you never ask, the answer is no anyway.

You’ll never get to your destination by standing still. Wishing and wanting but doing nothing about it is a lazy excuse and what you are really saying is “I didn’t really want it that bad.”  Being comfortably miserable and complaining is simply easier than getting out of your comfort zone.  The only way you can be sure to have a chance at something is to GO FOR IT.  ASK FOR IT.  And keep MOVING in the direction of your dreams.  Better yet, enjoy your way there, have gratitude for the now!

The worst that can happen is you’ll get a “no” or it may take longer than you hoped or take a different form.  But you will still be on your way there if you believe you are. Your successes are a product of MANY failures.  If you never try, all you’ll be left with are the “what if’s.”  You are always on your way as long as you never stop going confidently in the direction of your dreams.

So do it now…




I believe in you, do you?

Love always,


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