
Loving Unconditionally

The most powerful lesson that I have ever learn was appreciation, not just of things but of people. Doesn’t it make you feel good to appreciate or love another not wanting anything in return? When you love you are looking at and appreciating the qualities that are good in that person, without judgement, without asking anything in return, and whether or not they deserve that love.

I always think of the situation where a victim’s family chooses to love the criminal who harmed or even killed their loved one. They look at them with love and forgiveness. It is beyond admirable, it is what we should all strive to accomplish. Anger, resentment and hatred, though better than depression, are not something you want to hold emotionally for very long. In this state you are disconnected to your own wellbeing.  There is nothing more important than your own connection to wellbeing, joy and love.

Look for and expect the good that every human possesses and I’m certain you will find, even in the most unlikely places.

There is great love here for you and your enemies,



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