
ginger Tag

Life “To Do” List

It’s still January and if you’re like me, you’re still thinking of new positive changes you want to make, new goals, new ideas to transform your life and reach a new paradigm.  We can get really busy, I mean REALLY BUSY with the usual, with the every day.  How often do you take the time to design your life? Have you created a Life “To Do” List?  If you do you’ll be surprised how life gets busy with exactly what you intend.  Don’t you find that when you write it down, it somehow makes it’s way into your experience?

Boost it up! 8 Natural Immune System Boosters

flu season ahead

It’s right around the corner and if you have children in preschool and kindergarten like I do, you know germ season is brutal, if you don’t have a strong immune system. Don’t wait to feel that little tickle in your throat or bit of congestion, because at that time, it’s too late! The flu symptoms start showing 3-4 days after you’ve been exposed to the virus.

The flu can be avoided naturally by strengthening your immune system with 8 easy steps!