

Turkey Pot Pie

It’s the day after Christmas and if you’re like most people, you probably had turkey for Christmas dinner? Got leftovers? Well, you are in luck because the post holiday turkey recipes just keep on coming. Here is a recipe for an amazing pot pie. “Banquet” ain’t got nothin’ on this! Ha!IMG_5547

Breakfast Turkey Enchiladas


I love having a breakfast dish that you can put together for company and bake the morning of that is savory since not everyone wants something sweet.

Or if you have a family like I do and like to have leftovers for a couple days, this recipe is excellent to make Sunday and have Monday morning plus it adds vegetables to your morning and kids love it and will never know you stuffed a bunch of kale in there!

Cranberry Turkey Wrap


If you’re like me, you always have leftover turkey after Thanksgiving or Christmas. Of course this is great year round even with deli style turkey or even chicken.  It’s very easy to make and give’s your lunch or dinner a little kick!

Boost it up! 8 Natural Immune System Boosters

flu season ahead

It’s right around the corner and if you have children in preschool and kindergarten like I do, you know germ season is brutal, if you don’t have a strong immune system. Don’t wait to feel that little tickle in your throat or bit of congestion, because at that time, it’s too late! The flu symptoms start showing 3-4 days after you’ve been exposed to the virus.

The flu can be avoided naturally by strengthening your immune system with 8 easy steps!