

The Ever Growing Thyroid Issue


It seems like I am hearing about thyroid issues in people more than ever…and it’s happening to younger and younger people. It got me to thinking. Is there something that has changed? Something that we are doing different to cause this increasing and very scary problem?

Americans are always looking for the next best thing, the shortcut. The healthier version, that’s been altered from the way nature intended. Be careful for health buzzwords like gluten free for instance.  That doesn’t mean it’s good for you and whole civilizations survived on natural food that came out of the ground with gluten in it. We take something that should be used in moderation and fall off the deep end. Put down the gluten free cookie, it’s not healthy either! OK I’ll blog about that one later.

So there are a lot of chemicals and household foods and items you can avoid to lower your exposure to potential thyroid problems in the future.

“Honey I’m Home” Cornbread


Growing up in the south, my mom made cornbread on a regular basis.  I never was a fan of cornbread, especially corn bread and milk; which my brother still loves! Yuck!  I don’t drink milk so that could be the problem and more often when I would try cornbread it would be dry or tasteless.  So after having children and making chili that is way too spicy for a two year old, I decided to make cornbread that not only my children loved but me too!  I am not kidding when I tell you it can be the most moist and delicious healthy version of cornbread you’ve ever had.  With a pot of homemade spicy chili, this slightly sweeter version of cornbread will warm your heart and your insides during this polar winter! Recipe after the jump…

Whole Wheat Blueberry Bran Muffins

Blueberry Final

There is nothing more soothing than the smell of fresh baked bread.  Growing up, I remember that warm, made with love smell, coming out of the oven.  When you would take a deep breath and say “I love when mom makes muffins!”

I am always trying to find a healthy way to make comfort foods that create a quick warm breakfast or a little homemade goodness to add to school lunches for the kids.  Plus, fresh made whole grains are an excellent source of fiber and

SuperFood Power Green Salad


Okay, my birthday week is right after the holidays which means I am squeezing into my favorite jeans, haha!  Nothing like needing the gym and no time to get there, right?  When I’m feeling a little “fluffy,” I always look at balancing my diet with fiber-filled super green foods.  Raw of course.  I cooked broccoli this week, which meant that I had a few stalks left. I have made a great salad in the past using chopped broccoli stalk, kale and a homemade dressing but I decided to mix it up a bit this time.

Cancer Fighting Superfoods by dream designs by dream designs

It used to be that 1 in 30 would die from cancer.  Now it is 1 in 3.  What happened?  Well for one there are 500 times the amount of chemicals dumped in the environment than there was 100 years ago.  Our food is laved with pesticides, we eat hormones and anti-biotics from animals raised in cages, we don’t eat fresh picked from a garden…and it’s mostly processed.  I could go on but you get the picture.  But what happens when you get your food out of a window?  Does a sandwich and fries have any nutritional value?

Everyday, you choose what you put in your mouth and it doesn’t just go out the other end.   It makes a pit stop in your blood which travels throughout your entire body and all those chemicals in processed food even cross the blood brain barrier.  No wonder your tired, sick and running like a 1967 Pinto that hasn’t had an oil change in 14 years.  With cancer on the rise in our society, it has never been more important to eat foods that heal, replenish needed nutrients and flush out the crap.  After all, food is fuel. It is your pharmacy. There are definitely some qualified cancer fighting super foods that will help you begin rebuilding your motor.