

d38292cb9b3a4d0eb73bb22f8fdb9a28The thoughts you think become your reality.

Especially when it is a perpetuating thought you are drowning in daily. Understand there is this buffer of time, which really serves you, because you can change your thinking at any given second.

Besides, a positive thought is many times more powerful than a negative one.

I have always believed that you have 17 seconds to get rid of a negative feeling. Because at that point, universal forces are working to bring you what you are feeling, good or bad. The universe is neutral, it will give you negative if that’s what you are focused upon.

The fastest way to implement this strategy is whenever you are feeling bad, sad, remembering a not so pleasant experience, or just plain down in the dumps, do something that makes you feel good. You have to change your vibration. Every cell in your body is vibrating. We look solid, everything around us appears solid, but it’s all actually moving, vibrating if you will. 

The fact that you cannot see, hear, weigh or measure these vibrations is no proof that they do not exist. Just as electricity or sound waves are not detected by the human ear, they can most certainly can be heard by insects. You may not know how the light comes on in your home but you trust that when you flip the switch it will work. I trust in the law of attraction in the same way. I know to change what I’m vibrating is to change what I’m thinking and therefore attracting it into my experience.

For me, sometimes being alone, driving, walking around the neighborhood, sitting down in a warm tub of water, thinking of my children, reading my goal statement, looking at my dream board or even just meditating is enough to do the trick. If all else fails, just start saying, “I want to feel good, I want to feel good, I want to feel good.”  Before you know it, a happy thought will enter your mind and you will begin to shift your point of attraction. When you feel a negative thought approaching in the midst of your happy thoughts, banish it from your mind. Negativity is not who you are, it is a state of mind, it is a defense mechanism, it is an easy way out. Happiness is a choice, the universe will do the rest for you.

Happiness is important because you cannot give anyone something that you do not feel yourself. You know the saying you must love yourself before you love another. Well, that saying applies to happiness too. The greatest gift you can give anyone is your own joy.

If you ever feel guilty for wanting more joy in your life, for wanting more happiness… Remember that is one of the most important ways you can give to others. Fill your bucket first and your cup will overflow to anyone around you.

I love you and I love me too.


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