
Ever Wondered if Daydreaming is Productive?

Have you ever wondered why we daydream?

If you do, you let your mind wander often. Most people will tell you to “Stop day dreaming and pay attention.” Especially when you are supposed to be working or studying or in class.  There are obviously costs associated with mind wandering, like time away from tasks and activities, but I believe imagination and fantasy are a creative function and essential to a healthy mental life.

What ever you are thinking about, or rather feeling about, you bring about.

Daydreaming IS a form of planning.


These movies you are playing in your mind consistently are like a movie preview to tell you what’s coming.

Now you do have a buffer of time, so you aren’t going to attract disaster right away, if you are incredibly negative. It’s chronic thought. You shouldn’t thinking about wanting more money and feeling broke.

Thinking about the absence of what you want is going to bring you more of that.

For instance, “I’m so tired of struggling financially. I’m always broke. We can’t afford that,” etc. Rather, you can start to put away $10 a week or $200 a month or whatever you feel comfortable with. The point is that you are thinking, I have money. And after a couple months, add 10% to it. Because you “have money.” You feel different even when you change the words you say.

This is when I’m going to tell you to mind your thoughts or direct them. Oooooohhhh, MIND CONTROL. Not to the point where it’s work… but notice how you feel regarding a particular thought. If you don’t feel good thinking about something, well then common sense would say to stop thinking about it.

The most important part of attracting what you want, is that you are adding Massive Action.

Creating and manifesting is not just about thinking positive. You must add the feeling and change of behavior. It’s a trifecta. You can’t just sit in your living room and meditate or pray and attract what you want. You have to begin to feel different and act “as if.” You can turn your daydreaming into a powerful tool and plan what’s next. So what is next???

Let’s discuss what you’re daydreaming about in the comments. What are your challenges and how are you planning to overcome them? I can’t wait to chat with you more in the comments below.

Keep dreaming,



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