
Did you know that number 10 is good for Men??

broccoli copyWe all know we are supposed to eat broccoli but why?  What do these little trees really have in them?  With heart disease still rating as the number one killer, and cancer rising too why not munch on a little broccoli stalk every week to add years to your life.

Broccoli can help boost your immune system and build healthy bones, as well as help fight off serious conditions like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  It can even help you lose weight more successfully since it provides the same protein as many grains, but with only half the calories!

If you have trouble getting a little one to partake in the tree eating frenzy, just remember, you have to offer a food up to 10 times to little people before they sometimes will taste it and develop a liking.  If as a kid, you weren’t given this opportunity and still don’t like broccoli, it’s probably because you haven’t even tried it enough times.  Adding a little flavor like truffle oil and shaved parmesan with toasted pine nuts will encourage anyone to eat roasted broccoli.  After a while, you’ll like anyway it comes… raw, shredded in salad, steamed, cooked in dishes and saut ©ed.

And check out number 10, it’s even good for increasing testosterone in men!!

Love and broccoli,


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